New Choices Treatment Centers focus on creating an evidence-based and holistic treatment for people intent on recovering from substance abuse. Our approach includes sober excursions, which are sober activities for singles and couples as part of our therapy in and around San Antonio.
Addiction can be challenging, especially when there is a lack of proper support and self-care. On the road to freedom from substance abuse, including sober self-care activities can go a long way in creating a conducive atmosphere for those recovering from addiction. San Antonio and its neighboring cities have many options waiting to be discovered. Such activities form a vital component of any IOP or RTC program.
Physical activities and rich outdoor experiences are integral to addiction recovery treatment. Sober activities that include the mind, body, and spirit create a fresh perspective, thus assisting the recovering patient in making the necessary changes in their lifestyle. As part of treatment, we incorporate local excursions and sober outings within our client’s weekly schedule. The purpose is to integrate urban activities, promote a strong sense of community and allow for some recreational time with their peers.
Our approach to addiction recovery is trauma-informed and uses a multi-pronged approach to tackle addiction from different fronts using evidence-based modalities. We offer the following types of treatments to those looking for help with their long-term substance abuse issues:Excursions are often offered as a form of physical activity or local exploration to promote overall well-being and a chance to discover the city with fresh eyes. Choosing a recovery program with an AIR program increases the chances of freedom from addiction.
Taking time out for mindful activity is essential to a successful self-care routine. Excursions include physical activities such as rock climbing, a mini-golf round, a visit to a local amusement park, or just going out for a run. Other options may include a brisk walk to fill the lungs with fresh air, which are ways to improve one’s physical well-being. Fun sober activities such as playing a board game with a loved one, using free time to go out for dinner and a movie, or simply having a few laughs over ice cream can all create a sense of belonging and love. These are merely a few sober activities for couples. If you are single, just searching for “sober activities near me” can open up many options for you to meet like-minded singles and open avenues for sober dates.
Addiction is about trying to fill gaps in one’s life; therefore, the brain is focused on ‘what I don’t have’ rather than on what is already available. A simple roller coaster ride can create an exhilarating experience for the brain, thus boosting positivity. Engaging in fun sober activities reduces the urge to drink alcohol or indulge in other substance abuse. Scheduled fun activities like those mentioned are among the most critical pillars on the road to recovery.
Accountability toward a group of people or a loved one has been identified as one of the While working towards self-responsibility, a crucial support system goes a long way on the road to recovery. A fun ride on a Ferris wheel or a pre-planned dance class with a peer group creates a sense of anticipation that can help manage triggers.
When the brain is not addled to alcohol, it can analyze and understand why and when addiction strikes. New experiences in a familiar place increase serotonin levels in the brain. Higher serotonin boosts a positive outlook toward life and regulates sleep cycles. You will recognize the social triggers related to these activities beforehand, thus mitigating the chances of slipping once you have integrated into society and the workplace.
Addiction triggers can strike when we are alone. Living with oneself is probably the most significant challenge in recovery. But if one can substitute going to places where temptation can strike with areas where one can engage, i.e., engaging in fun sober activities, people can avoid triggers and relapse.
Many places can stimulate and freshen one’s mind for those in and around San Antonio. A simple notebook and a pen to journal, or aiming to write some Google reviews of the places you visit, will give intentionality to a personal excursion. One can enjoy the Zen by visiting and taking photographs of the Japanese Tea Garden. A visit to the Alamo can is a must for history buffs. Harness your inner chef by visiting the Pearl Farmers market for fresh fruits and vegetables. SATX social ride is a fun way to explore the city on a bike. Several DIY classes are available for those who are crafty.
When we fall, getting up and getting back on track is the only way to win over addiction and start enjoying life. Firstly get rid of shame! Then these steps can help.